Interface Advertisement

Shares common fields between android and ios payloads, and masks platform-specific fields as generalized ones.



advDataChannel?: number
advDataIsConnectable?: boolean

Whether the BLE peripheral is advertising as connectable. When this is false, the peripherl is in "limited discovery" or "discovery only" mode.

advDataLocalName?: string

An alternate name for this BLE peripheral. This will be the short name or the complete name, depending on decoder options.

advDataManufacturerData?: ArrayBuffer

Block of data provided by the vendor of the BLE peripheral, which includes both a 16-bit UUID of the manufacturer (first 2 bytes) and a custom manufacturer-specific payload (remaining N bytes of manufacturer data segment).

advDataManufacturerId?: number

The manufacturer ID parsed from the BLE peripheral advertisement. Will only be provided if the payload contains manufacturer data.

advDataManufacturerPayload?: Uint8Array

The manufacturer data (modulo the manufacturer ID) parsed from the BLE peripheral advertisement. Will only be provided if the payload contains manufacturer data.

Any service-specific data the BLE peripheral chooses to provide.

advDataServiceUUIDs?: string[]

Any 16-bit service UUIDs included in the advertisement payload.

advDataTxPowerLevel?: number

Indication of expected signal power for the BLE peripheral.

Advertising payload reported by the cordova plugin. On Android, this will be the full advertisement as a raw ArrayBuffer. On iOS, this will be a preprocessed dictionary GAP attributes.

Raw GAP dictionary result - only available when the decoded advertisement provides a raw ArrayBuffer instance.

gapFlags?: number

Value of GapAttributeCode.FLAGS - only available when the decoded advertisement provides a raw ArrayBuffer instance.

id: string

Unique identifier of the BLE peripheral which produced this advertisement

name: string

Human-readable name of the BLE peripheral, which corresponds to GapAttributeCode.LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE

rssi: number

The detected signal quality between our central and the BLE peripheral

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